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Depak Chopra in "The Return of Merlin" offers a life ontology with which I resonate, ie: A Wizard sleeps deep within all of us, and we should wake that Wizard! The worst curse of life is the quiet desperation which comes from the perceived need for conformity. Most humans live in a hypnosis of social conditioning, terrified of breaking free of the trance. Reality for them is an induced fiction in which humans collectively participate. We can dream a new world into reality. We are gods and goddesses in embryo, if we but embrace our godhood. I am a Consciousness Facilitator , a Solitary Shaman , the URth SHIELD ORACLE, and I want to wake the Wizard!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Simplicity of Christ's Teachings

Jesus did, indeed, speak about reincarnation, and rebirth..ie..."Unless you are born again"...And..."You must become as little children" Also, he asked of his disciples, "Who do you think that am?"...in reference to , if I recall correctly, Elija, who. of course had lived previously.

Most of the Church doctrines and dogma were formulated at the Council of Nicaea, under the guidance of the Roman Emperor Constantine.

Much that was passed by this Council... which wanted to reduce the discord between the pagans of that period, 325 AD, and the new CULT of Christians....had been passed for expediency and convenience....

There have been numerous and progressive modifications to the Christian doctrines. For example, consider the Trinity.

The notion o the Trinity was invented at th Lateran Council in the 12 Century AD. This Council adopted it, and proclaimed it...in its present form...as FUNDAMENTAL....Thus it is with most doctrine, and dogma....MAN MADE , not from Christ.

The Christian religion...or the Christian form of CHURCHianity...is a very complex system of rules, regulations, and rituals which must be followed if one is to achieve salvation.

And why do we need salvation, as the Church presents it? Because of original sin?

Christ NEVER mentioned original sin, as the Church presents it today.

Original sin, is an eccelesiastical necessity.....to increase church memebership, and place power where it should never be....with humanity giving away their power over self ...and over their children...to the clergy.

We have the most innocent and sinless of creatures...a little child, who has lived a sinless life, being told that he or she needs redemption. This perfect being has just come from God...or the Creator...and as soon as he or she arrives here on our planet, the poor baby is told that he or she has "INHERITED" sin! What nonsense is that?.....But, the Lateran Council knew that such a doctrine of scare tactics would increase the fold!

If one carefully reads Church history, one can see where each rule, regulation, and dogma was penned, and also the date...

Jesus' message was one of magnificent simplicity...no rules, regulations, and rituals needed.

There is a wide separation...an enormous gulf... between what the different Christian churches teach, and the simple, beautiful teachings of Christ.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Law of One & The Angelic Human Race

The Law of One is the universal law of the universe. It speaks to the interconnectedness of the cosmos and the reality of instant communication on a cosmic level. The galactic community is literally connected as one electro-magnetic grid as are each sun, planet, and intelligent life in the universe. We are one interconnected unique aspect of the universal mind (God) and we are (wired) (figuratively) connected as One.

Human beings are beings of light energy either vibrating very fast (positive) or slowly (negative). We have a free will choice to pick our polarity and can resonate much faster when we meditate on and experience compassion, love, forgiveness, abundance and the higher energy emotions (feelings). Conversely when we are about criticizing, judgment, lack, greed, meanness, lust, we resonate very slowly and align with a negative polarity. Both of these affect the earth grid electro-magnetically and hold a charge within our planetary system. The power-elite are quite skilled in holding our earth with a negative charge. When we are held with a negative charge it keeps our lights (human light) out and dis-connects us from the galactic community.

The time for the unveiling is now......those souls who can meditate (daily) on love and compassion will help awaken others, speed up the vibration and in the process help turn the lights back on. Our earth grid needs to be charged with positive energy and over-come the false manipulation that has held all of humanity back.

Its really not that complicated once we understand that we live in an electric universe and there has been a short in the system. Spread the word to DYOR enlighten yourself to the truth, empower yourself and others so we can rejoin the galactic community of nations aligned with the light.


( From the blog http://rr-conspiracy-.blogspot.com )

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Washing Your Brain

If you were brainwashed , how would you know?

The brain operates within a band of frequencies.

Self is an aggragate of neurons, firing in a certain pattern. If the pattern is altered , self is altered.

Resonance is an amplification effect, whereas power amplified in small and steady increments, result in an overwhelming power.

There exists an electromagnetic, glomagnetic force in the brain.

An increase in ELF waves can affect brain function.

Geomagnetic fields affect the brain and moods.

Resonance can magnify the field of energy.

ELF affects the neurons in the brain and distorts its magnetic field.

A resonance jump can cause insanity.

A slight distortion of an EM Field will leave one disoriented, confused, and with aberrant behaviour.

A microwave can be a carrier beam for information, if both beams are applied.

If a micrwave beam can pulse in phase with ELF radiation, the affected human will blank. In this " blanked state of consciousness" the affected human will receive the incoming information , but have no recollection of what happened, or of having received it.

This is the scientific explanation for brainwashing.

It is also the reason why instruction received during High Initiations into the Mystery and Esoteric Schools, is seldom remembered by the Initiate....but the Initiate will never fail to carry out said instructions !!!!!


Imagination Applied to Life

I am guided by a signal from the heavens
I am guided by this birthmark on my skin
I am guided by the beauty of our weapons
First, we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.

"First We Take Manhattan," Leonard Cohen (1988)

Manipulation through Fear

A criticism of God is not a mockery of Chriatians, or any other faith.

The Jehovah of the Old Testament pre-dates Christ by up to 4000 years according to the Biblical timeline, and it is doubtful that anyone could ever find a negative thing to say about Christ, whose only religion was "LOVE".

But, Jehovah belongs to all humanity...to either accept, reject, question, or analyze. And it is our right to judge him.

His actions are written in black and white....He dealt in germ warfare; being able to do climate control, He brought floods;He murdered whole races of people, with a full disregard for children, even hitting Sodom and Gomorrah with nukes (it was fully obliterated by fire...must have been nukes).

The United Nations would , indeed, if he could be caught and restrained, charge him with crimes against humanity , as a terrorist

Fear is not a good emotion to have in your life daily. You do not want to eat.....The fear debilitates you and causes every manner of illness, particularly stomach problems and allergies. You cannot sleep at night...You want to become invisible but cannot quite manage it, so you become even more stressed.

Fear will eventually kill you...that is why some relationships are toxic....particularly one with Jehovah, who wanted to keep you guilt ridden and scared to DEATH!
6 hours ago ·

Sunday, March 21, 2010



That is an awesome expression..."Beliefs come from insecurity...when it is truth, you don't have to believe it...It just is!" That is , in itself, TRUTH!

As a Mystic, and one exploring Paths of Higher Consciousness, I " believe" nothing.....but, having EXPERIENCED many things , I have a CERTITUDE about much.

Belief is one thing, experience and certitude take one to a whole new level.

I really do not care if anyone else believes me. I do not have to prove anything to anyone...although it would be nice to have someone with whom to talk...someone who has gone through similar experienes....but still, even completely alone...the CERTITUDE simply...is.

All is NATURAL...

Is there a more appropriate word for "SUPER-natural" ? Truly...everything...is NATURAL, or being of the esence of nature.

Perhaps many ...or , most...people do not have the HEIGHTENED senses needed to either hear, see, or experience certain ...phenomena. Also, science has been having a difficult time pinning down many paranormal phenomena...but the QUANTUM PHYSICISTS are making inroads, beginning to learn that which Mystics KNEW thousands of years ago.

Einstein's Unified Field Theory put scientists on the right track to comprehending so-called PARAnormal events. They were not SUPERnatural ...it was that science was not SUPER effective!

On Brain-Washing & Baptism

The conditioning and "programming" of a human begins at birth. This conditioning can be cultural, religious, etc.,etc. We are trained to behave in a certain manner so that we can gain approvval of the "tribe". Whether or not one accepts an ontology of said group, it is simply easier to "go with the flow"...no pun intended here.

Baptism is an Initiatory rite in many faiths, particularly Christianity. One should note, though, that when John baptized Jesus, He ,( Jesus), was an adult...and the act was one of full submersion, symbolic of a washing away of "sins"...not of Jesus, obviously, but of humanity...poor sods that we are!

One has to accept the notion of "Original Sin", for Baptism...its anti-dote...is to have meaning. Since babies are "sinless" , the rite of baptism is simply a ritual of entry into an organzation, the Church.., not a guarantee of salvation...you cannot improve on perfection...and babies are spiritually perfect.... See More

If they carry with them a karmic debt from a past life, then that can only be resolved when they are adults, and responsible for their actions.

Whatever one "believes" , we live the greater part of our lives trying to toe a line....usually somebody else's!

Muder and Mayhem!

Let us speak of fear....There is much of that...and murder...and terrorism...and animal abuse... listed in the Old Testament.

First, consider the Flood.....What do you do if your children misbehave? Speaking as a "puppy Mom", I would suggest guiding them lovingly....not murdering them. But, that God was so fed up and out of patience that he drowned the whole kit and kabuddle, except for a few. If He lived today, he would be sent for anger management therapy....then tried for child abuse, and murder.

Leading the Israelites out of Egypt, during the Exodus, was really interesting. He sent every manner of plague down upon the heads of the Egyptians...Now God was someone who could teach us a thing or two about germ warfare.... See More

But, since that did no work he decided to send the "Angel of Death" to the eldest in all Egyptian households...from the eldest child to the eldest lamb, nothing was spared. It is still honoured as a Jewish holiday called "PASSOVER", because the "Angel of Death" passed over each Jewish home, and spared the lives of their children.

But, this angelic hit man must not have been omnipotent, because God cautioned the Israelites to put a dab of blood over the lintels of their doors...just so the Angel of Death could know that this as a good Jewish home, and not Egyptian....and not make a hit here.

So, after everyone got out of Egypt....(Moses was not permitted to see the Promised Land because he had offended God somehow)....God told Aaron to perform a ritual of thanks.

Aaron was Moses' brother, and the chief Priest. The ritual inluded the murder of lambs, and the smearing of blood upon Aaron's robes...and , of course, God found this to be very good.

(Even our 21st Century Vampiric Churches frown upon the sacrifice and death of innocents...what useful purpose can it serve? They therefore do not permit ritualistic blood sacrifice within their Temples.)

But, God wanted blood..."the smell was most pleasing" Quote. Unquote.

When Christians broke away from the Hebrew tradition, and claimed that Christ was now the Lamb, then , at least within the Christian Church, blood-letting did not have to occur on the Sabbath.....

If this had happened during modern times God would have to face the wrath of the Animal Liberation Front!