About Me

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Depak Chopra in "The Return of Merlin" offers a life ontology with which I resonate, ie: A Wizard sleeps deep within all of us, and we should wake that Wizard! The worst curse of life is the quiet desperation which comes from the perceived need for conformity. Most humans live in a hypnosis of social conditioning, terrified of breaking free of the trance. Reality for them is an induced fiction in which humans collectively participate. We can dream a new world into reality. We are gods and goddesses in embryo, if we but embrace our godhood. I am a Consciousness Facilitator , a Solitary Shaman , the URth SHIELD ORACLE, and I want to wake the Wizard!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


That is an awesome expression..."Beliefs come from insecurity...when it is truth, you don't have to believe it...It just is!" That is , in itself, TRUTH!

As a Mystic, and one exploring Paths of Higher Consciousness, I " believe" nothing.....but, having EXPERIENCED many things , I have a CERTITUDE about much.

Belief is one thing, experience and certitude take one to a whole new level.

I really do not care if anyone else believes me. I do not have to prove anything to anyone...although it would be nice to have someone with whom to talk...someone who has gone through similar experienes....but still, even completely alone...the CERTITUDE simply...is.

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