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Depak Chopra in "The Return of Merlin" offers a life ontology with which I resonate, ie: A Wizard sleeps deep within all of us, and we should wake that Wizard! The worst curse of life is the quiet desperation which comes from the perceived need for conformity. Most humans live in a hypnosis of social conditioning, terrified of breaking free of the trance. Reality for them is an induced fiction in which humans collectively participate. We can dream a new world into reality. We are gods and goddesses in embryo, if we but embrace our godhood. I am a Consciousness Facilitator , a Solitary Shaman , the URth SHIELD ORACLE, and I want to wake the Wizard!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Simplicity of Christ's Teachings

Jesus did, indeed, speak about reincarnation, and rebirth..ie..."Unless you are born again"...And..."You must become as little children" Also, he asked of his disciples, "Who do you think that am?"...in reference to , if I recall correctly, Elija, who. of course had lived previously.

Most of the Church doctrines and dogma were formulated at the Council of Nicaea, under the guidance of the Roman Emperor Constantine.

Much that was passed by this Council... which wanted to reduce the discord between the pagans of that period, 325 AD, and the new CULT of Christians....had been passed for expediency and convenience....

There have been numerous and progressive modifications to the Christian doctrines. For example, consider the Trinity.

The notion o the Trinity was invented at th Lateran Council in the 12 Century AD. This Council adopted it, and proclaimed it...in its present form...as FUNDAMENTAL....Thus it is with most doctrine, and dogma....MAN MADE , not from Christ.

The Christian religion...or the Christian form of CHURCHianity...is a very complex system of rules, regulations, and rituals which must be followed if one is to achieve salvation.

And why do we need salvation, as the Church presents it? Because of original sin?

Christ NEVER mentioned original sin, as the Church presents it today.

Original sin, is an eccelesiastical necessity.....to increase church memebership, and place power where it should never be....with humanity giving away their power over self ...and over their children...to the clergy.

We have the most innocent and sinless of creatures...a little child, who has lived a sinless life, being told that he or she needs redemption. This perfect being has just come from God...or the Creator...and as soon as he or she arrives here on our planet, the poor baby is told that he or she has "INHERITED" sin! What nonsense is that?.....But, the Lateran Council knew that such a doctrine of scare tactics would increase the fold!

If one carefully reads Church history, one can see where each rule, regulation, and dogma was penned, and also the date...

Jesus' message was one of magnificent simplicity...no rules, regulations, and rituals needed.

There is a wide separation...an enormous gulf... between what the different Christian churches teach, and the simple, beautiful teachings of Christ.

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