About Me

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Depak Chopra in "The Return of Merlin" offers a life ontology with which I resonate, ie: A Wizard sleeps deep within all of us, and we should wake that Wizard! The worst curse of life is the quiet desperation which comes from the perceived need for conformity. Most humans live in a hypnosis of social conditioning, terrified of breaking free of the trance. Reality for them is an induced fiction in which humans collectively participate. We can dream a new world into reality. We are gods and goddesses in embryo, if we but embrace our godhood. I am a Consciousness Facilitator , a Solitary Shaman , the URth SHIELD ORACLE, and I want to wake the Wizard!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I was born in a small outport town and attended school in a small, but lovely, town, except for a brief attendance of school in Montreal.

As a child (from age 11-18) my Mother attempted to indoctrinate me into her religion of choice. For 7 years I spent most vacations with the Minister's families, who lived an hour's drive away. I attended Bible camp, went on trips with them, and toured libraries, museums, and factories, while traveling. It was very educational. I had to take Bible study lessons.Before age 20 I was better trained than most minister' and priests.At age 20 I left the Church, choosing a more Universal, and less restricting, Path.

My Father embraced a non- religious ontology, more of a Masonic and Templar nature. Decades prior to the New Age Movement, and years before the publication of "The Holy Blood, Holy Grail", "Th Davinci Code", "The Lost Symbol", etc., I was introduced to the material which these books verified and validated.

As a teenager I became very interested in the life of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and also in deep Meditation, perhaps because the hippie Movement was focusing attention on Eastern philosophies. I did not know then that in later years I would have the honour of welcoming his personal representatives into my home, and sharing hospitality with them.But, one always attracts to oneself that with which one resonates.

The summer of '69 found me in Calgary for several weeks. It was an unforgttable experience...but if I had been given a choice, I would have attended Woodstock.

In 1976 I joined the Rosicrucian Order , AMORC, which did scientific studes of ancient mysteries, the nature of reality and the Universe, and how to use personal and Universal energy for expanding awareness, health, healing, and manifestation.

In later years I joined the Knights Templar.

Beginning in the eighties, I was very involved in the animal rights movement, giving support to the National Anti-Vivisection Society, PETA, IFAW, and the Animal Liberation Front, as well as being Executive Secretary for a local humane society for 20+ years.

During that period I was asked to work undercover for the Animal Liberation Front, but had to decline because of family commitments.

I wrote constantly, penning five columns for local newspapers, and publishing material in magazines.

In University I studied for an Arts and Education degree, then taught school for fifteen years.

For a time I helped my husband with our auto body repair shop.

These past several years have been a time of learning, particularly in the exploration of altered, and higher, states of consciousness.

I am presently studying Shamanic Yoga, and indeed, as a friend so recently commented, am practicing a Path of solitary Shamanism....hopefully this will be
a path of Inner Peace.

My interests are many and varied. Exoterically I am interested in internet marketing, web design, and photography.

As stated, my esoteric training has been in many fields such as: Rosicrucian, Martinist, Templar, Astarian, Masonic, Shamanic, Druid, Hermetic and in High Ritual Magic.

I have had Initiation into the secret doctrines of the Egyptian Mystery Schools and in 1999 went through the Dark Night of the Soul. Thereupon I accepted Higher Initiation by Alchemical Fire and embraced my Awakening.

Recently I was honoured and humbled to have been accepted for Higher Degree training with the Knights Templar .

Also I am ready to follow the WAY of the MAGI.

My blogs provide my virtual homes. These many years I have spent in a quest, a quest to discover the answer to "What is the SECRET?". The answer is to be found in COUNSCIOUSNESS

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