About Me

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Depak Chopra in "The Return of Merlin" offers a life ontology with which I resonate, ie: A Wizard sleeps deep within all of us, and we should wake that Wizard! The worst curse of life is the quiet desperation which comes from the perceived need for conformity. Most humans live in a hypnosis of social conditioning, terrified of breaking free of the trance. Reality for them is an induced fiction in which humans collectively participate. We can dream a new world into reality. We are gods and goddesses in embryo, if we but embrace our godhood. I am a Consciousness Facilitator , a Solitary Shaman , the URth SHIELD ORACLE, and I want to wake the Wizard!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I was born in a small outport town and attended school in a small, but lovely, town, except for a brief attendance of school in Montreal.

As a child (from age 11-18) my Mother attempted to indoctrinate me into her religion of choice. For 7 years I spent most vacations with the Minister's families, who lived an hour's drive away. I attended Bible camp, went on trips with them, and toured libraries, museums, and factories, while traveling. It was very educational. I had to take Bible study lessons.Before age 20 I was better trained than most minister' and priests.At age 20 I left the Church, choosing a more Universal, and less restricting, Path.

My Father embraced a non- religious ontology, more of a Masonic and Templar nature. Decades prior to the New Age Movement, and years before the publication of "The Holy Blood, Holy Grail", "Th Davinci Code", "The Lost Symbol", etc., I was introduced to the material which these books verified and validated.

As a teenager I became very interested in the life of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and also in deep Meditation, perhaps because the hippie Movement was focusing attention on Eastern philosophies. I did not know then that in later years I would have the honour of welcoming his personal representatives into my home, and sharing hospitality with them.But, one always attracts to oneself that with which one resonates.

The summer of '69 found me in Calgary for several weeks. It was an unforgttable experience...but if I had been given a choice, I would have attended Woodstock.

In 1976 I joined the Rosicrucian Order , AMORC, which did scientific studes of ancient mysteries, the nature of reality and the Universe, and how to use personal and Universal energy for expanding awareness, health, healing, and manifestation.

In later years I joined the Knights Templar.

Beginning in the eighties, I was very involved in the animal rights movement, giving support to the National Anti-Vivisection Society, PETA, IFAW, and the Animal Liberation Front, as well as being Executive Secretary for a local humane society for 20+ years.

During that period I was asked to work undercover for the Animal Liberation Front, but had to decline because of family commitments.

I wrote constantly, penning five columns for local newspapers, and publishing material in magazines.

In University I studied for an Arts and Education degree, then taught school for fifteen years.

For a time I helped my husband with our auto body repair shop.

These past several years have been a time of learning, particularly in the exploration of altered, and higher, states of consciousness.

I am presently studying Shamanic Yoga, and indeed, as a friend so recently commented, am practicing a Path of solitary Shamanism....hopefully this will be
a path of Inner Peace.

My interests are many and varied. Exoterically I am interested in internet marketing, web design, and photography.

As stated, my esoteric training has been in many fields such as: Rosicrucian, Martinist, Templar, Astarian, Masonic, Shamanic, Druid, Hermetic and in High Ritual Magic.

I have had Initiation into the secret doctrines of the Egyptian Mystery Schools and in 1999 went through the Dark Night of the Soul. Thereupon I accepted Higher Initiation by Alchemical Fire and embraced my Awakening.

Recently I was honoured and humbled to have been accepted for Higher Degree training with the Knights Templar .

Also I am ready to follow the WAY of the MAGI.

My blogs provide my virtual homes. These many years I have spent in a quest, a quest to discover the answer to "What is the SECRET?". The answer is to be found in COUNSCIOUSNESS

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Same-Gender Marriage


A decision to legalize same sex marriage is a ruling which can only be made in a progressive, liberal society.

The human society trains one to feel guilty about sexual expression in general, but about certain manifestations in particular. So it is with same gender expression.

From whence has sprung this rediculous guilt? Perhaps it was a method of control...If one is made to feel guilty enough, one can be actively manipulated by the rulers of said society, which are the state and religion.

A ruling to legalize same sex marriage is a progressive measure, one which places an umbrella of protection over its individual members.

John Locke's Social Contract ethics, immortalized in the American Declaration of Independence, and inclusive of the Bill of Rights, states it best:

___Good government is a contract of the people, and it is responsible to them (social contract theory)not to higher religion, destiny, or ideology.

___As society is based upon co-operative self interest, so the attractions of self interest...for example, private property, marriage, etc., ...must be preserved and enanced as beneficial and indeed, vital, features of society.

A governemnt,then , is a man-made construct, and should serve the interests of the individual, emphasis on "individual". It is not answerable to Church, nor should it serve that entity , with its hypocrisies and delusions.

The Church has meddled quite enough into private social structure of mankind. The Inquisition was not that long ago, so recent in fact, that the more liberally minded can still feel its scorching heat. Churches should stay out of the schools, courts, and bed-rooms of the nation.

The laws of marriage structure, promoted by Christian churches, were penned by Hebrew patriarchs, and their laws came down to them from the Sumerians. Doubtless it was written witha a great deal of self interest.

These laws promoted male dominance and female subserviance. They were probably written to make certain that these old patriarchs always had a woman , or women,to sweep their tents, collect camel dumg,and to produce offspring.

Though Mosaic Law discuraged polygamy, it prevailed among the Hebrews. But, of course a distinction was made between the chief wife and the lesser wifes, and between all wives and th concubines.

Of course, the woman had , by comparison, to be virginal before marriage , and faithful to one husband after marriage.

The definition of concubine is given in the Dictionary and Concordance of the King james Version of the Bible. It is, and I quote:

" ...a lawful wife of inferior status...."

Hmmm...seemed like things were just slightly skewed, and unbalanced, when it came to fairness in the good old days of Mosaic Law, from which Church Law has evolved.

Is this influence to be welcomed in a progressive society?

Is this God's Word which is supposed to provide a template for legalizing (or not) same sex marriage ? Wow! That is too scarey.

Until recently the Church had decreed that a woman is soulless.. It seems that they were generously permitted to acquire souls around the same time that they were given the vote.

It is difficult to respect an institution which erects spiritual fences of this nature. It is time to update the Sumerian Code, and allow civil law to do a re-write.

To address the accusation that the family structure will be destroyed by same sex marriage, it can be pointed out that family structure, like its members, is a living entity, one given to growth, change, and evolution.

Yes, the nature of family is given to change . In ancient Egypt brothers and sisters were allowed to wed. If they were Royalty, they were not only expected to wed, but also expected to have off-spring, the idea being to protect the purity of the bloodline.

If rights of individuals are protected, said individuals will come together to form family structure which suit them. Structures will manifest in different forms to suit the needs of an evolving society.

What is right for one individual or group, may not be satisfying to another.

A referendum cannot decide this isuue. The majority cannot rule on the innate rights of a minority group. An innate right simply ....IS.

CONTINUED BELOW >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Sexual expression is an innate right of all humans.....whether said expression is by autoerotcia, or with one , or more, consenting adults.

Marriage is a social contract between adults. In Western nations polygamy , or having more than one marital partner, is deemed to be illegal.

Since marriage is a social contract, it seems logical to argue that to deem multiple partners as illegal , would be a violation of human rights. Is it not one's right to enter into as many social contracts as one chooses? Why is the state once again trying to control what happens in the bed-rooms of a nation?

In a free and liberated society, one would be able to legally enter into as many marriages as one should choose, with whatever gender one desired.

One should be able to choose to enter as many marriages as one wishes, with whatever gender choice one desires, and to be free to decide the duration of one, and all, of said social contracts

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Simplicity of Christ's Teachings

Jesus did, indeed, speak about reincarnation, and rebirth..ie..."Unless you are born again"...And..."You must become as little children" Also, he asked of his disciples, "Who do you think that am?"...in reference to , if I recall correctly, Elija, who. of course had lived previously.

Most of the Church doctrines and dogma were formulated at the Council of Nicaea, under the guidance of the Roman Emperor Constantine.

Much that was passed by this Council... which wanted to reduce the discord between the pagans of that period, 325 AD, and the new CULT of Christians....had been passed for expediency and convenience....

There have been numerous and progressive modifications to the Christian doctrines. For example, consider the Trinity.

The notion o the Trinity was invented at th Lateran Council in the 12 Century AD. This Council adopted it, and proclaimed it...in its present form...as FUNDAMENTAL....Thus it is with most doctrine, and dogma....MAN MADE , not from Christ.

The Christian religion...or the Christian form of CHURCHianity...is a very complex system of rules, regulations, and rituals which must be followed if one is to achieve salvation.

And why do we need salvation, as the Church presents it? Because of original sin?

Christ NEVER mentioned original sin, as the Church presents it today.

Original sin, is an eccelesiastical necessity.....to increase church memebership, and place power where it should never be....with humanity giving away their power over self ...and over their children...to the clergy.

We have the most innocent and sinless of creatures...a little child, who has lived a sinless life, being told that he or she needs redemption. This perfect being has just come from God...or the Creator...and as soon as he or she arrives here on our planet, the poor baby is told that he or she has "INHERITED" sin! What nonsense is that?.....But, the Lateran Council knew that such a doctrine of scare tactics would increase the fold!

If one carefully reads Church history, one can see where each rule, regulation, and dogma was penned, and also the date...

Jesus' message was one of magnificent simplicity...no rules, regulations, and rituals needed.

There is a wide separation...an enormous gulf... between what the different Christian churches teach, and the simple, beautiful teachings of Christ.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


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